Sunday 7 September 2008

�Mad Men� Star Jon Hamm on Smoking Clove Cigarettes

�Mad Men� Star Jon Hamm on Smoking Clove Cigarettes
9/4/08 at 12:59 PM




Getting an interview with Mad Men star Jon Hamm last evening at the Best Life magazine party at Michael's was kin to acquiring an interview with the Pope, as his flacks fussed and hovered, and nearly finished our �We met Don Draper!� bit. Even so, we managed to pinch in a few questions. (Yes, we know we just ran a Jon Hamm Q&A a month ago, only he's Don Draper!)

What ar you running on at the moment?

I�m working on relaxing. I just finished shooting season two last night, and I got on a red-eye and got here so now I�m working on absolutely nothing. We slept all day.

So you�re gonna be up all night?

Why non? I make nothing to do! It�s kind of great!

The exhibit feels identical authentic � what do you do to make it that way?

Fortunately in our prove we don�t have a lot of signifiers. We don�t talk in the old-timey voice, and we don�t get that kind of thing so it�s easy to be as natural as you privy. But about of the things we have on set ar vintage � you know, the eyeglasses are small and the drinks ar old-timey so that really helps, and all of our clothes are time of origin so that helps.

A lot of scenes end with Don Draper brooding and staring into space. What�s he mentation about?

Well, envisage being this guy, he�s lied around his integral life, so I think he�s got a lot to think about, essentially, What�s my next mo? What�s my next hour? Who do I have to rest to next?

Is that what you�re thinking about?

I�m thought about when�s lunch?

What�s passing to bechance with Rachel Menken and Draper?

Well, we just saw Rachel make another show this season, so I don�t know. It�s interesting because in that location are deuce levels: I love Maggie Siff as an actress and she�s a wondrous person, only she has her own career. She�s in a show that�s coming extinct called Sons of Anarchy so we unfortunately have lost our exclusive charter on her, but she will hopefully be sexual climax back. It�s New York City. You run into the same people once again and again.

Do you think they�re somebody mates?

I do, in a weird way. I think that Don recognizes that and wishes he had it, and true to the predominant theme of our show, he misses out on it and is sad.

How is smoke herbal cigarettes?

Terrible. They taste like a mixture 'tween pot and soap.

Does anyone on set smoke actual ones?

Some citizenry do, just not to the extent that we smoke the fake ones or else we�d all be dead.

Doesn�t it make the adjust stink? Your clothes, your hair?

Yeah, and I wear contacts and it dries out your eyes and your skin, so it�s a drag, But it looks literal and it looks really cool so�

So you come home from work and smell like you�ve been out at a bar all night?

Well, that�s non that far away from the sojourner Truth, you know?

Earlier: Jon Hamm of �Mad Men� on the Future of Don Draper

More info

Thursday 28 August 2008

Public Involvement Usually Leads To Better Environmental Decision Making

�When through with correctly, world participation improves the calibre of union agencies' decisions about the environment, says a new report from the National Research Council. Well-managed populace involvement too increases the legitimacy of decisions in the eyes of those affected by them, which makes it more likely that the decisions will be implemented effectively. Agencies should discern public engagement as valuable to their objectives, non just as a formality required by the law, the report says. It details principles and approaches agencies can use to successfully involve the public.

In response to legislation and pressure from citizens' groups over the last three decades, federal agencies have taken steps to include the public in a wide

Friday 8 August 2008

The Grammers

The Grammers   
Artist: The Grammers



Money and Glory   
 Money and Glory

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 10


Tuesday 1 July 2008

Martha Stewart - Martha Stewart Banned From Britain

Lifestyle queen MARTHA STEWART has been refused entry to Britain because of her stock fraud conviction four years ago, according to reports.

The media mogul had planned to speak at London's Royal Academy and meet with top dignitaries in the capital this weekend (21-22Jun08), but her plans have been put on hold after she was denied a visa.

Stewart's spokesman says, "Martha loves England and hopes this can be resolved and that she will be able to visit soon."

She served five months in a U.S. prison for lying to federal agents investigating insider trading.

See Also

Sunday 22 June 2008

Girl Talk layers pricing on new release

Pay-what-you-want album available on Web site

NEW YORK -- As promised, Girl Talk's Gregg Gillis released his fourth record, "Feed the Animals," on Thursday via the Web site for his label, Illegal Art. As previously reported, "Animals" is available in a pay-what-you want format, with a few new options for fans to choose from.
At the $5-or-more level, buyers can choose to download the album in MP3 or FLAC format, the latter being exact copies of the original source files without compression. Also included is a single MP3 file featuring the music without track breaks.
At the $10-or-more level, consumers will get the above plus a physical CD when it becomes available this September. Fans can also choose to pay nothing for the music, which prompts a follow-up screen gauging the reason for doing so ("I may donate later," "I can't afford to pay," "I don't believe in paying for music," etc.).
The 14 tracks here continue Girl Talk's rich exploration and mashup of the annals of pop music. Fans have already launched a Wikipedia page detailing the hundreds of samples utilized, but among the most high-profile are the Police's "Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic," the Red Hot Chili Peppers' "Under the Bridge," Jimi Hendrix's "Purple Haze," Michael Jackson's "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'," AC/DC's "Thunderstruck," Nirvana's "Lithium," Metallica's "One" and Temple Of The Dog's "Hunger Strike."
Those songs are blended with a wealth of contemporary pop and hip-hop songs from the likes of Lil Wayne, Rick Ross, Kelly Clarkson, M.I.A., UGK, Avril Lavigne, Kanye West, Lil Mama, Britney Spears, Hot Chip, Flo Rida and R. Kelly.
"In my mind, it's a highlight reel of my live show since last year," Gillis said. "The core ideas are there, but what takes me a long time is just actually pushing them together. On record, it's like a different art form."
Girl Talk will play sporadic shows this summer, including Lollapalooza and the All Points West Festival. A headlining tour is in the works for the fall.
Here is the track list for "Feed the Animals":
"Play Your Part (Pt. 1)""Shut the Club Down""Still Here""What It's All About""Set It Off""No Pause""Like This""Give Me a Beat"Hands in the Air""In Step"Let Me See You""Here's the Thing""Don't Stop""Play Your Part (Pt. 2)"

Sunday 15 June 2008

Magyar Posse

Magyar Posse   
Artist: Magyar Posse



Kings Of Time   
 Kings Of Time

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 7


Wednesday 4 June 2008

Colin James

Colin James   
Artist: Colin James



Sudden Stop   
 Sudden Stop

   Year: 1990   
Tracks: 10

Then Again   
 Then Again

Tracks: 12

Bad Habits   
 Bad Habits

Tracks: 11


Jackson's Thriller A National Treasure